What's Your Happiness Advantage?

Rigorous research in the fields of psychology, neuroscience and management studies shows that a positive brain is significantly faster, more productive, creative, and accurate. 

So how do we teach our brain to be happier? Here's the spark – With a Happiness Advantage. 

Harvard professor, Shawn Achor explains the connection between happiness and success (read happy employees = great results) in his must-see TED Talk, "The Happy Secret to Better Work".

So what's your Happiness Advantage? Develop yours by incorporating one or more of the following activities into your daily work routine:

1. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.

2. When you open your inbox, write one positive email praising or thanking someone you know.

3. Journal about something positive that happened to you in the last 24hrs.

4. Meditate for even 5 minutes to train your brain to be more focused.

5. Move your body before you sit down at your desk and ideally at least a few times throughout the day. You can stretch or do a quick exercise circuit.

Need a template? Use my work flow management doc. It includes action #1 – writing down 3 things you're grateful for. Check it out >>