A 10 Minute Workout For The Busy Manager

Before you start the day, get your blood flowing and brain working with a simple yet effective 10 minute workout routine.

Circuit #1

1 min. Jumping Jacks 

One of the oldest exercises in the book, jumping jacks are an awesome and efficient cardio warm up. Instead of bringing your arms to your hips though, keep them bent and bring them to your shoulders to work your deltoid muscles. Bring your arms back up over your head and repeat. Do this as fast as you can. 

30 sec. Push Ups

Another classic, push ups work your entire body. It's one of the best exercises you can do. Place your hands flat on the ground, spread your fingers so your wrists aren't holding all your weight, 
square your shoulders and line up your hips and back. Make sure your body is straight as you lower your chest to the ground. This is a tough exercise so if you need to modify it, you can do so by dropping your knees to the ground. Be sure to maintain a straight line though from your knees to your head.

1 min. Quick Feet

Think of the classic football player exercise ... stand with your knees slightly bent, your legs hip-width apart, and your hands in front of you. Run on your toes on the spot as fast as you can and with little movement in your upper body.

30 sec. Squats

Stand with your feet hip distance apart with your arms out. Point your feet slightly outwards and begin to bend your knees like you're going to sit in a chair. Pull your belly button towards your spine so your abs are tight. Slowly lower yourself into a sitting position until your butt is aligned with your knees. Make sure your back is straight and that your knees are behind your toes. Come back to the original position and repeat.

Rest for 30 sec. Drink water!

Circuit #2

1 min. Tire Run

Imagine that you're jumping between two imaginary tires that are about 3 feet apart on the ground. Stand on one leg then shift your weight to the opposite leg. Jump into one tire and then back into the other. Keep your butt down, knees high and speed up.

30 sec. On the Ground Mountain Climbers 

Another great exercise that works your entire body. Assume a push up position, but this time keep your upper body still, draw one knee at a time towards your hands, repeat with each leg and move as quickly as possible.

1 min. Standing Mountain Climbers

From the standing position, reach your left hand as high as you can, while also raising your right knee up. Lower your left hand and reach as high as you can with your right, while at the same time, dropping your right leg and raising your left knee up. Go hard for the entire minute.

30 sec. Plank

Lie face down with your forearms on the floor. Form two fists with your hands for added support and push off the floor, using your toes and elbows for balance. Stay in a straight line with your back as flat as possible. Make sure your abs are flexed and your butt isn't sticking in the air or sagging to the ground. Breath through the exercise as your hold this pose. 

Rest for 30 sec. Drink water!

Circuit #3

1 min. Burpees

The burpee is one of the best all-round strength and conditioning exercises. Begin in a standing position. Move into the squat position, kick your legs back and complete one push up. Pop your legs towards your shoulders, stand, jump and repeat.

30 sec. Supermans 

Lay flat on your stomach with your arms extended in front of you on the ground. Lift both your arms and legs at the same time, as if you were flying like Superman. You should feel your lower back contracting. Hold this position for the entire 30 seconds or break it up into five second intervals, rest for 2 seconds, then repeat.

1 min. High Knees

This is another classic football player warm up exercise. Stand with your legs hip distance apart. Drive your right knee towards your chest, then quickly place your leg on the ground. Immediately raise your left knee towards your chest. Alternate knees as quickly as you can. Hold your hands out in front of you and the height of your waist. Your knees should hit your hands with every repetition.

30 sec. Boat

Finish your workout strong with this great core strength exercise. 
Lie flat on your back
. Slowly raise your legs, your head and your torso so you look like a "V" (or a boat!). Hold your arms straight on your side for balance and make sure your neck is long (like a turtle) with your shoulders down. Widen your "V" to increase the resistance. Breath through the exercise as your hold this pose.
